Let's get those Tails Wagging

Johannesburg's trusted dog walking service

About image
The Wagging Walker understands that although you adore your fur kids, finding the time and energy to take them out for a walk, run, or park visits can be a difficult task when you've been working a full day. That's where we come in: The Wagging Walker offers you the convenience of having your pet cared for while you're busy during the day. We provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that you'll come home to a pet who has been stimulated, exercised and loved in your absence.

How does it work?
A Wagging Walker will drive to your home to collect your dog and either walk in your street, or your dog will be taken to the nearest park. Dogs are kept on their leads at all times while on the road, and are only taken off lead in parks when permission is given by the owner.

How long are walks?
All walking adventures are 40 minutes. If your fur babies are flat nosed breeds (e.g. french bull dogs, boston terriers, pugs etc), a slower/shorter walk is recommended as these breeds tend to over heat much quicker than other breeds. Your walker will receive a full brief on the type of walk required for your baby.

How does payment work?
For your conveniece, an invoice is emailed to you at the end of each month, and you can pay via EFT.